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What Do You Want to be When You Grow Up?

Writer: Anne Marie DeCarolisAnne Marie DeCarolis

Which group of kids were you a part of in school: the ones who got excited or annoyed when asked “what do you want to be when you grow up?” Oddly, I do not remember being asked this question very frequently. However, an eighth-grade yearbook activity was to complete the phrase, “I want to be…” Some answered the owner of Taco Bell, rich, happy….me, the ever-metaphoric optimist…I answered, “inspirational.” To whom, I did not know. How, I did not know. A bit full of myself…likely.

This remains a question we ask ourselves at various milestones and changes in life. It is one that can puzzle us because we often define ourselves by our role, circumstance or organization. What happens when those things change or evolve? Perhaps the answer is to look beyond such characteristics and turn inward. Our identities are ours. Let’s not allow them to be watered down or washed out. Instead of cultivating and binding our sense of self to outside forces (e.g. company mission, job title, etc.), we can marry our personal purpose to the people and organizations with which we interact and dedicate our time. In this way, we can retain our sense of self while also feeling well aligned to our “day jobs.”

So, my question for you is – what is your purpose? Let it inform your ever-blossoming answer to “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

My answer – I want to “refract light” by encouraging, coaching and drawing forth people’s potential and possibilities. I aspire to bring insight to challenging circumstances and solve problems with rolled up sleeves. Illuminate with best practices where I can. Act as a motivational mirror. Create “prism moments” where others’ colors can shine.

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