What is unicorn talent? In short, you are!
Why is this important? It changes how we view ourselves, our teams and our organizations.
Four years ago, I began this blog because of my belief that all talent should be celebrated for their unique qualities and inherent value. This idea has resonated with many, leading - beyond my wildest dreams - to readers in over fifty countries. Together, we have formed a herd of unicorns; the common name for a herd of unicorns is a “blessing.” What a beautiful word for this group and this journey!
Over the years, the importance of unicorns and their role has been detailed in various places. This post collects key commentary on the identity and role of unicorns.

Unicorn Inspiration
"The Unicorn Tapestries" from the late Middle Ages depicted graceful animals protecting others. Their portrayal underscores that strength comes from vulnerability. We are called to protect, look out for and nurture our talent.
Modern depictions of unicorns emphasize the animal’s creativity and vibrance – rainbow mane and all. Unicorns show up as they are and do so unapologetically. Wouldn’t the world of work be better if we all did that?
This animal’s name was borrowed in recent years to distinguish disruptor technologies. New entrants that rose to fame and became valued at or above $1 billion were dubbed “unicorns.” If organizations can earn this title, what about the people behind the success? We need to recognize that our talent’s skills create positive “disruptions.” People are the innovators, coaches, specialists and leaders that change the world.
Unicorn Identity
Talent Acquisition professionals sometimes joke that they are looking for "purple squirrels" or "unicorn talent" when the candidate they are seeking is a needle in a haystack of resumes. Borrowing from their vocabulary (and turning it on its head), Talent Management professionals and all people leaders should view their talent as unicorn talent!
No two people are the same. Each person brings unique value if we choose to recognize it. If we consider people as cogs in a machine, we are forfeiting their insights and innovation as we simultaneously disrespect their humanity, dignity and worth.
When we think of talent as unicorns, we acknowledge that they are prized, valuable and worthy of our protection and care. When we choose to see our workplaces as fields of unicorns, we invite others to bring their best and whole selves to work.
Unicorns at Work
Unicorns chiefly represent the unique, unrepeatable and “magical” facets that each of us bring to the workplace. In this sense, one’s magic is his/her unknown potential or conversely, his/her well-honed super powers – the mysterious qualities that make us special. Employees’ individuality, authenticity and wealth of experiences make them of outstanding value to organizations. The fact that companies employ unicorns merits not only acknowledgement in talent strategies – “our talent is our greatest asset,” but also celebration in deeply personal ways - leader-to-employee and teammate-to-teammate. Without unique and innately human talent, our companies would become robotic and impersonal. All employees have unicorn qualities if we look closely enough; this term is not simply applicable to HiPo’s (high potentials). Unicorns are not an endangered species rarely seen in their natural habitats; rather they surround us every day if only we (1) know how to recognize them and (2) create an environment in which they desire to stay.
Unicorn Hunter
As organizations seek to recruit additional unicorns and nurture those they have, career development, internal mobility and succession planning introduce the need for unicorn hunters. By keeping our eyes wide open and our ears to the ground, we can hear the majestic hooves and discern the winds of change. Twenty-first century talent and business are dynamic. If we stay on the hunt, our herd will become collectively stronger and more resilient.
Unicorn Protector
I would be remiss not to conclude with a final truth about unicorn talent...All talent professionals are unicorns, too! Why? First, just like the unicorn talent we serve and protect, we are human, too. We deserve to work for organizations that recognize our value. Second, legend asserts that maidens were guarded by unicorns and these creatures had the ability to purify water, neutralize poison and heal wounds. In this sense, our talent is the maiden, and we are the mighty unicorn. We nurture, we protect and we defend. The horn is not just for looks!
We are valuable talent worthy of protection, and we are advocates who protect and defend. We "do it all" in the name of healthy, innovative, people-first workplaces. Perhaps this sounds mythical, but if we each do our part, magical moments enter our every day and companies become more "human." The purity of our calling and our freedom to act will shape the future of work. Recognize your unicorn status and its inherent responsibility.
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To the Point
Do you see yourself as a unicorn?
How do you protect your unicorns around you, help them thrive and create an environment in which they choose to stay?
Where can you be a stronger unicorn advocate and protector? (Put that horn to work.)