HR is spectacular…and at times, spooktacular. As a business function, we can be seen as the cops, even without a costume. Others put their guard up around us; they wear garlic thinking our fangs will come out. However, we are not immune to fear, concern or challenge.
Let’s turn on the lights in the HR “haunted house” and dissect it. Let’s gather around the caldron and talk about our warts, scabs and scars. Each seasoned HR professional has his/her share of harrowing tales. We’ve all gone home thinking, “I never thought my career would include this, but I’m a stronger professional for it.”
On All Hallows' Eve, these HR ghosts come out to play:

Administering drug screens, reading rapid test results and delivering in-person results with a high failure rate.
Being treated as a gloried database administrator with no special skills.
Needing to have security present during a termination as more than a precaution or formality.
Navigating a unionization campaign.
Repeatedly being told that dedicating time and resources to Learning & Development is a staffing luxury, hindrance to employees’ productivity, a compliance hoop to jump through and a whimsical touchy-feely talent function rather than a business asset.
Freezing salaries, eliminating pensions and undergoing layoffs.
Handling discrimination claims and sticky incident investigations.
Being asked to ignore poor soft skill performance that flies in the face of cultural norms because an employees’ hard skills make him infallible.
Serving as or being pressured to be the face of company initiatives that you disagree with and/or that conflict with your personal and religious beliefs.
Deescalating a fight in the parking lot.
Having a security button at your desk disguised as a garage door opener…just in case.
…any many other things that go bump in the night. Boo! Interested in more "horrific" stories? Check out BambooHR's nightmares.
To the Point
No one ever said HR was easy…oh wait, that’s another item to add to the list…. however, most HR professionals will tell you it is well worth it!
Happy Halloween!
Image Sources: Walmart 2020 décor and