Talent development is quite an aspirational field. We believe in the possibility of everyone and frequently use the words “yet” and “next.” While we have data, our qualitative and quantitative measures can feel squishier (technical term) than other HR specialties.
This can lead to a sense of underperformance and demotivation. The truth is our job is never done. Each finish line is only the next starting line.
Lesson from an Optimist
During the 2022 HR Virtual Summit presented by BambooHR and Lattice, Simon Sinek encouraged “redefining fulfillment as momentum.” If we cannot cross the finish line because it’s so far forward or simply does not exist, we must redefine success. In speaking of his own life’s work, Sinek explained, “Someone else will carry the torch; that gives me confidence and joy."
Light the Cauldron
Whether we know it or not, our small actions can fan large flames. Talent development has the power to light cauldrons. The light given off touches expanses we cannot fully measure. When programs, systems, departments or positions are sunset, oddly, the stubborn cauldron does not go out. Wahoo! The “pinch me” moment is that you never know who you are impacting, yet that is also the downfall. In moments of self-doubt and uncertainty, potential is too squishy to fall back on. Realistically, talent professionals move onto their next challenge before the full impact, which can take years to be realized, is seen. This makes departures bittersweet.
Having lived in this world across many proverbial continents and career seasons, I must trust that when the light goes out, the embers travel and respark. To borrow from Sinek, when torches are lit from the cauldron, talent professionals can identify and witness to momentum in “infinite games.” We can be fulfilled knowing that our efforts were not in vain but are sources of inspiration that are later nurtured and passed on. One torch lights another to set the world on fire.

As business partners, we dearly and near selfishly want to prove and validate ourselves in the same way as sales, finance and IT do…but we are different. When we allow ourselves to redefine success and our own personal sense of fulfillment, we can gingerly release our death grip on the torch and pass the light on with confidence, finding a sense of joy as the night sky begins to glow. There is a unique peace in letting go and watching torches proceed out in all directions.
To the Point
Before I start singing “This Little Light of Mine…”
To my fellow talent development professionals, know your contributions matter and your passion shapes the future of work. Your duty is never done. There is always a new challenge, yet fulfillment is within reach. Momentum is success when you trust yourself and others to carry the torch.
Even when the light appears to go out, it does not. For a moment, you simply cannot see it, but it is there. Development does not start or end with you. You know the safe and productive ways to throw fuel on the fire and teach others how to fan the flames. When a chapter ends, trust others to remember what you shared with them. Then, go in peace, confidence and joy, spreading light in new and infinite directions as others do the same.
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