How does a good learning event start?
A slide full of tactical learning objectives that rarely amount to a “what’s in it for me?” message?
An ice breaker?
A bio of the presenter?
Perhaps ground rules for the session? (Hopefully, more than a reminder to submit questions in the comments and to stay on mute.)
Each of these can have their place, yet the latter can be a game changer! Setting behavioral norms and expectations early establishes the tone of the course.
Ground Rules
My four favorite ground rules are:

Vegas Rule: What happens in training stays in training! Establish psychological safety by placing the discussion in a bubble. In particular, establish this gathering as a learning environment in which challenges and mistakes will not be reported back to supervisors.
Insight Sharing: Recognize that everyone brings wisdom to the discussion. This shifts the tone from “sage on the stage” to one where everyone’s input and insights are valued. This rule levels the playing field and opens ongoing dialogue across the group.
Tech Focus: Limit the use of technology to enhance the experience. If unplugging entirely is possible, do it! Unplug from technology in order to plug into the development opportunity. Barring a family emergency, ban phones and leave laptops out of sight. If unplugging is not possible…because you are on a webinar…encourage closing out all other applications for the same reason. Reducing distractions is key. Encourage participants to honor the commitment they have made to themselves and highlight that their leaders have endorsed them allocating this time to the course.
Challenge By Choice: Push yourself a little (or a lot) beyond your comfort zone. This is where learning takes place. Learners often need this reminder and nudge. A healthy challenge can bring out the best in people. Positioning this as a choice empowers autonomy and the opportunity to opt-in.
To the Point
Ground rules establish a foundation upon which learning experiences can soar!