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3H’s: Humble, Hungry, Hustle

Writer: Anne Marie DeCarolisAnne Marie DeCarolis

A phrase that was introduced to me at my first job and has been a motto I have clung to is “be humble and hungry.” My first organization encouraged everyone to have this “up by your bootstraps” go and change the world attitude. For early career professionals, this statement rings true. Simultaneously, the word “hustle” has entered the vernacular as the new “synergy.” I would argue that all three of these words merit reflection and definition refinement.


Humility does not mean downplaying our strengths or accomplishments. Instead, a helpful definition is “humility is not thinking less of yourself, it’s thinking of yourself less.”[1] If humility were thinking less of yourself, then citing your career highlights on a resume would be inappropriate. In actuality, we need professionals that think about how they can apply their strengths for the good of the team. Such altruistic thinking leads to greater results without fueling or closeting one’s ego.


Unlike another famous 3 H’s – Hungry, Hungry Hippos, this form of hunger does not relate to acquiring as much of a scarce resource as possible at all costs. Rather, this hunger is a manifestation for the desire to learn, grow and explore – to be and do more.


Being busy or working around the clock is not the intent. There is no glory in that. Hustling can and should be viewed as the dedication toward and living out one’s passion. As Simon Sinek clarified, “Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress; working hard for something we love is called passion.” Hustling, as the term implies, is hard work; however, it is a passion-centered and personally satisfying choice.

To the Point

Are you humble? Are you hungry? Is your hustle healthy?

Footnote [1] This quote is often misattributed to C.S. Lewis but was actually coined by Rick Warren or Rich Howard and Jamie Lash in their respective books (C.S. Lewis Foundation, 2022).


C.S. Lewis Foundation. (2022). Quotes misattributed to C.S. Lewis.


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