Graphic Design Portfolio
I designed the above ads and logo for my father, Joe DeCarolis', innovative CRM and marketing campaign at EuroMotorcars Devon. The Hour Drive Club celebrates commitment, relationships and Mercedes-Benz pride. The images have been utilized both on social media and in store. Both the Club and campaign are ongoing.

As a member of Enactus, I designed this marketing campaign to bring awareness to our partnership with the Emilia Wojtyla Shelter Bolivia. The Shelter serves domestically abused women and children in El Alto, Bolivia imparting strength and renewed dignity so they can start new chapters of their lives. The ads feature women and children who have been helped by the Emilia Wojtyla Shelter Bolivia.

"Macopoly" was Immaculata University's 2015 New Student Orientation theme. This theme was designed to create enthusiasm and impart knowledge about our campus to new students. I designed the above image, which was formatted and stylized by University Communications. It served as the focal point of the Macopoly theme. Each block features a custom location or entity on campus, including Residence Halls as Railroads, Blessing of the IHM's as Free Parking and Gabriele Library in place of Jail. Other properties highlight traditions, core values, student resource centers as well as clubs and organizations. The board also depicts Mr. Macopoly and the orientation theme's tagline "The Fun Starts Here..." Our staff wrote the Community Chest (Upperclassmen Advice) and Balance (2015 Student Experience Theme) decks of cards. Five editions of the game were made; four are around campus for students to enjoy and continue to learn from and one edition was given to the IHM Sisters at Camilla Hall Nursing Home.